
My name is Jenna Drummond and I’m passionate about all things health and fitness. I am a former athlete having represented Australia in soccer (football) as a member of the Australian womens football team – the Matildas.

Currently, I am a qualified personal trainer who thrives off creating challenging workouts that aim to test one’s limits using interval type training, helping to eliminate that ‘boredom’ factor often associate with exercise.

Nothing is worse than participating in a workout that is boring where you are constantly looking at the time to see how much longer you have to go! However, workouts that are too much fun do not tickle my fancy either because the chances are…you are not working out hard enough!

To me, and what I have learnt from my clients’ feedback, workouts need to be engaging where you are constantly trying to exceed your limits, where you may be hurting with pain during it, but after you realise the workout went so fast and you are happy with what you have achieved! I challenge myself to come up with workouts that do just this.

My posts will also include healthy recipes using real food to create dishes that are easy to make and sure to satisfy. By no means am I a qualified nutritionist so my aim is not to give out personal dietary advice or guidelines, just to share healthy eating ideas and tips!

Finally, the message I hope to send to my followers is to simply live a healthy lifestyle where balance is the key!

Please feel free to comment if you have any question.

Make the CHOICE,


Create the CHANGE!


JD x

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